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Socioeconomic Research

ATR supports clients in understanding the social, economic, and political contexts in which they work.

Past Projects in Socioeconomic Research

ATR is an expert in the field of stabilization in Afghanistan. Drawing on our depth of experience, ATR conducts in-depth research in some of the most insecure and challenging environments. Working with different institutions to develop strategic and practical recommendations, we work to improve cohesion in difficult areas where faith in the government and public institutions is low.

Conflict and Fragility Study under the Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project (CCAP)

ATR conducted a Conflict and Fragility Study to provide more in-depth analysis of the conflict and political dynamics in Citizen Charter locations in both rural and urban areas and examine the role of CDCs in working with districts and provinces to build social cohesion at the local level. The project hopes to use the information from this study to understand the contextual dynamics of local conflict (especially at the community level) and the relationship between service delivery and state legitimacy, as well as providing operational recommendations to improve the way CC works in those areas.

Afghanistan Cashmere Value Chain — Feasibility Study

ATR collaborated with OXFAM and PUR Projet to design and implement a study of the long-term viability of the cashmere value chains in Herat, Balkh and Kabul. The study assessed the impact of cashmere on the livelihoods of producers and the extent to which it may improve economic opportunities for women.

Mali Justice Project — Mapping of the Informal Justice System

ATR analyzed two large-scale surveys of users and actors in the informal justice system in Mali for the USAID-funded Mali Justice Project. The analysis assessed the level of knowledge, access and usage of the informal justice system, and provided recommendations to increase linkages between the formal and informal justice sectors.

Afghanistan’s Extractive Industries Sector — Conflict and Community Resilience Assessment

ATR conducted three site-specific conflict and fragility assessments for the World Bank and delivered recommendations regarding the structure and membership of grievance redress mechanisms. This encompassed the institutional arrangements, socially-inclusive outreach strategy, and procedures related to various categories of grievances to be addressed. The assessments also included recommendations for mitigating conflict, enhancing community resilience, and sharing the equity of benefits from natural resource extraction.
