In order to improve the quality of its research, ATR has created its own translation department, which delivers high-quality translation to ATR Research Department and to clients such as the UNICEF with whom ATR entered in a Long Term Agreement for Translation.
Projects in translation
Long Term Agreement for Translation for the Provision of Translation Services
ATR has entered into a long term agreement with UNICEF to provide high quality and technically accurate translation in English, Dari, and Pashto of technical communication and training tools, documents and reports, press material, newsletters, press releases, human interest stories, scripts, briefing books, etc., produced by UNICEF and partners; namely in areas of polio, health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation as well as child protection; and any other relevant documents and work.
Translation services to projects
ATR translation department has provided its services to more than 200 projects delivered by ATR to its 70+ partners and clients. So far more than 10,000 pieces of qualitative data have been translated and delivered to ATR’s partners and clients.